Lent 2022

Holy Week 2024

Holy Week and Easter Schedule

Palm Sunday 9 am zoom, 10 am Church


Holy Monday: Zoom service of Evening Prayer with Meditation 5 pm

Holy Tuesday: Zoom service of Celtic Evening Liturgy 5 pm

Holy Wednesday: Meditations on the Life of Christ,: St. Michael Chapel 5 pm


Maundy Thursday: Agape meal, washing of hands, Liturgy of Maundy

Thursday with Holy Eucharist, Parish Hall beginning at 5 pm

Stripping of Altar followed by Night Watch, 6:30 pm in church and chapel. 

(night watch ends at 8 pm in person, continues on zoom

throughout the night)


Good Friday: Sunrise zoom morning prayer, 7 am

Liturgy of Good Friday in the chapel, 12 noon

Wondrous Love: Musical Meditations for Holy Week 12:45 pm-1:30 pm

Church open for prayer until 3 pm

Holy Saturday: Liturgy of Holy Saturday 10 am in the chapel

Easter Sunday: Sunrise Alleluias on Zoom at 7 am

9 am Easter Sunday service, Zoom

10 am Easter Sunday Holy Eucharist with kindling of new fire